Olaf Weinmann
Olaf Weinmann has been working for Bosch.IO (formerly Bosch Software Innovations) since 2011, where he was active in the areas of open source, IoT device abstraction, IoT software updates, and IoT device management. Currently, he drives the customer-centric vision and strategy of Bosch IoT Suite as head of IoT device management, data management, and analytics. He studied mathematics and information technology at the University of Konstanz and holds a PhD in mathematics. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, photography, and he loves to tinker around with IoT devices in the context of his smart home.
Are you an Arduino developer looking for a feature-rich industrial grade IoT platform for your next AIoT project – one that you can test for free? Have you struggled with the initial effort needed to connect your first devices?
Or are you working with Bosch IoT Suite and need an easy-to-connect hardware device for your demos and PoCs, which you can also later use in a production setup?
If so, we have exciting news for you. The longtime collaboration of Bosch and Arduino has evolved to an inflection point which will bring huge benefits to the impressive community of Arduino developers and Bosch alike. Arduino freshly unveiled plans to expand its portfolio of hardware, software, connectivity and developer tools for professionals and larger organizations.
On occasion of the newly announced plans of Arduino to expand its enterprise-scale offerings and its new round of strategic investors, Dr. Ingo Ramesohl, managing director at Robert Bosch Venture Capital has shared: “Arduino has an unprecedented worldwide community of developers. The company is growing successfully beyond the prototyping business to become the core enabler in the industrial IoT (IIoT). We are excited to partner with Arduino as it moves forward to revolutionize the way enterprise professionals innovate.” Dr. Ingo Ramesohl, Managing Director, Robert Bosch Venture Capital
Arduino Press ReleaseBosch.IO steps in to support in particular Arduino’s aim to accelerate the development and deployment of IoT applications to meet industry needs.
The full-fledged AIoT platform of Bosch.IO – Bosch IoT Suite – provides out-of-the-box support for selected Arduino boards. A development team of Bosch IoT Suite prepared a pre-integration set for selected Arduino boards and a bunch of sensors in their kits. The code libraries are open-sourced and are freely available to anyone interested in connecting Arduino devices to Bosch IoT Suite.
Visit the tutorial page to learn how to get and use the libraries:
You can use the pre-integration code directly to connect the particular board, but also use it as a basis to connect Arduino boards with similar connectivity. In addition to the board itself, the examples allow you to directly connect several sensors. For example, you avail of a ready implementation of several sensors of the Arduino Oplà IoT Kit, such as temperature, humidity, pressure sensors, light, buzzer, display, etc.
Further to the connectivity functionality, the pre-integration set includes information models of the boards and their connected sensors. Such models come in handy during the device provisioning and enrich the digital twins of your devices with already described device features and their supported operations.
Thanks to the pre-integrated code libraries, users of Bosch IoT Suite can easily connect their Arduino boards.
Fast access to a full-fledged device management platform with data management and analytics capabilities for all business domains
Bosch IoT SuiteWhy do you need pre-integration code libraries?
Imagine connecting your Arduino devices to a professional IoT platform which allows you to manage hundreds of thousands of devices in bulk?
Normally, your development effort would start with setting up the proper connectivity and communication between the devices and the specific platform, matching the respective APIs. With the pre-integration code libraries, this set up stage is already implemented for you, and you don’t have to spend time on it. The selected Arduino devices are able to understand the digital twin layer protocol of Bosch IoT Suite out of the box and Bosch IoT Suite understands the language of the devices. In other words, this ‘translation’ between the digital twin layer protocol and the language of the devices happens automatically.
Without the pre-integration libraries, you would need a couple of days to connect your devices, or even more if you need to get into the details. On the other hand, using the libraries you can connect in a matter of minutes, in a simple and straightforward way.
Arduino professional boards supported out of the box
For the pre-integration project, we have selected cloud-ready boards from Arduino’s professional families, which can be well integrated in emerging battery powered IoT edge applications.
Our focus is on different connectivity types, e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and LoraWan. This way we can enable both low-range projects, where you connect your board to the cloud via your router, as well as low-power projects in both remote and urban areas, where Wi-Fi or other popular connectivity types are not available. Regardless of the specific board models used in the code examples, you are able to connect any Arduino board with a similar connectivity type in a few simple steps.
The capabilities of Bosch IoT Suite
Currently, Bosch IoT Suite connects more than 15 million devices, sensors, and machines.
Whether your project is large or small, with just a few or a couple of thousand devices, you want to make sure that your devices can be easily connected to the cloud, frequently updated over the air, and their health constantly monitored.
With the bulk device management capabilities of Bosch IoT Suite, you benefit from flexible ways to keep your device fleet up to date and operational. Using tasks you can send instant commands to any relevant subset of your devices, and define time windows for the command execution, concurrency limits and apply many more fine-tuning options. Via rules, you can automate this process with triggers and conditions, and make it recurrent.
Find out more on some of the successful projects incorporating Bosch IoT Suite:
Advantages of Bosch IoT Suite at a glance
- One complete device management solution for your devices’ life cycle
- Scalable from ten to billions of devices
- Flexible and cost-efficient pricing scheme for start-ups and corporations
- Easy software or firmware updates over the air (SOTA/ FOTA) campaigns with pre-defined rules for any number of devices
- Digital Twins for even easier control and interaction via open APIs
A passion for open source
Bosch and Arduino share a passion for open source. Just like Arduino’s dedication to open source hardware and open source software, Bosch.IO has been actively participating in the open source community for years.
Since we joined the Eclipse IoT community, we have created six different IoT open source projects and contributed to many other projects. In fact, Bosch has already contributed around 1.5 million lines of code to open source projects.
Bosch IoT Suite itself is built on top of Eclipse IoT open source projects and industry standards. This open approach allows customers to enjoy all the benefits of fully managed cloud services while avoiding vendor lock-in. As another advantage, our partners and customers can influence the future development of Bosch IoT Suite by participating in the underlying open source project communities.
In line with that, the pre-integration code libraries are open sourced.