Fast decision making is key to keep up with today’s fast-paced international markets. Organizations with a high level of business maturity are currently facing one major challenge: while they theoretically have the abundant data to take fast decisions, the sheer amount of information spread across different production lines, departments and locations globally is slowing them down.
So, the most pressing question is: how to gain quick access to high-quality information. The Open Manufacturing Platform (OMP) wants to provide an answer and is working on semantic data structuring – an open-source set of tools and methodology, which enables organizations to structure, consolidate, and represent their data. The high quality of the information exposed by a robust semantic data structuring builds trust and confidence in decision making at management level. At the same time, it reduces the probability of bad decisions, making it a good investment to face ever-changing production environments and growing competition.
As I explained in my previous post, Bosch has been pursuing an open source strategy for a long time. Hence it was only logical that we also contribute our part to the newly released white paper from OMP. It focusses on the two major topics of semantic data structuring, telemetry data and analytic problem solving.
Many manufacturers have historically rooted processes that vary across departments and lead to data silos. Also, many processes are still performed manually and are only really understood by those deeply involved. So, a first goal is to achieve data integration between OT (telemetry data) and IT. The Digital Twin approach will add semantics to the raw data and make it understandable.
The white paper further explains how Digital Twins can provide the required contextualization to use the combined OT and IT data for analytics. Fast answers to questions such as “What are the maintenance records of all press machines with model number 5832 in North America in the last 6 months” will no longer be a problem. Historical aggregations on time series data, information about the location and type of assets, and maintenance data kept in a separate database are all combined in a single query – and enables fast decision making.
Download the white paper if you want to understand the technology and learn more about further advantages for your organization.